In short

I've always been interested in computers since I received a computer in my room in 1990. I liked playing computer games and that made me interested in programming and learned C when I was 13. I had the luck to get a job at TeleTalk (today Link Mobility AB) during my last year in in high school. I developed IVR-services in their own developed programming language TeleTalk for the first years.

I did military service at S1, Enköping during 2001 as a computer operator in a platoon that build staff locations. I learned to build network (cable, configuring Cisco, routing, IT-security, etc.), which I've had benefits of at Link Mobility, where I've had part time maintenance of servers and been responsible for it since 2007. I have been employed at Link Mobility since 2002 (TeleTalk, Doera Service Provider, Telenor Link, Link Messaging) and before that worked hourly since September 1999.

I started to develop in Java in 2001, and it has been my "first language" since then, but I've also written some in C, C++, PHP and Python. I've been working in a quite small organisation during the past 10 years and I've had a couple of different tasks such as design, development, server maintenance, support, technical sales support and project management.

I started Kendanware in 2014 together with an old friend that I meet at Najt which was a LAN party organisation where I was chairman of the board and had other positions between 1999 and 2006.

Kenny Colliander Nordin

Larger projects the past years

Common Layer

Link Mobility, 2012-2024

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Link Mobility, 2007-2024

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Melodi Gran Prix SMS Vote

NRK, 2013

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SOAP Proxy

WyWallet, 2012

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Link Mobility, Common Layer, 2012-2024

Link Mobility has acquired several SMS-companies over the past years and received a couple of similar SMS-systems, but decided in 2013 develop a new common API to handle SMS, e-mail, payments, address lookups etc, to reduce the amount of system and then migrate all legacy systems towards the new Common Layer.

The new API is REST based using JSON. The main focus has been performance and high availability. Testing and code review has been important in the project since the new system will handle millions of transactions each day.

My responsibility in the Common Layer project has been to create a new API, collect and compile demands of different platforms, develop components and project manage the Swedish parts of the project (co-owned project together with the head quarter in Oslo).

Java, SOAP, REST, ObjectDB, JSON, design, development, project management, testing. I'm the System Architect and Product Owner for the project since 2020

Link Mobility, SMSC, 2007-2024

Link Mobility has been a SMS supplier since 2000, but decided in 2007 to develop an own SMSC for better performance, high availability, lower costs and perform better support towards customers. The platform was integrated directly to operator's SMSC:s using different protocols such as SMPP, CIMD2, UCP and a couple of other proprietary protocols via SOAP or REST.

The platform is connected towards all operators in Sweden and Norway (estimated market share of 40% in Norway). Most operators are connected in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Denmark. Other aggregators is also using the platform for delivering messages using direct connections.

SMS payments was integrated into the platform in 2010 for Sweden, but has since then also been integrated towards operators in Norway and the Baltics.

SMSC is designed using redundant nodes that may be updated during operation without affecting traffic. The main focus as been high availability, but also that is must be able to handle several thousands transactions per seconds during peek hours, such as TV votes or SMS-advertising where millions of recipients must have their message before lunch.

The SMSC is working as a cluster deployed in different datacenters with nodes in Stockholm, Frankfurt, Madrid, Oslo and Hamburg.

My responsibility in the project has been to design a scalable and redundant platform and integrate towards different operators. I've also been project manager for integrating and migrate operator connections from other platform that Link Mobility has acquired over the years. I'm the System Architect and Product Owner for the project since 2020.

Java, SOAP, JServer, design, development, project management, testing, 3rd line-support

Melodi Gran Prix, NRK, 2013

Melodi Gran Prix is the competition in Norway to get finalists for Eurovision Song Contest and is a huge event in Norway. I've created a solutions for counting live SMS votes for the TV broadcast. The vote only lasts for a couple of minutes, but all the 500000 votes must be counted in real time.

Java, JServer, design, development and testing

WyWallet, Proxy, 2012

WyWallet was created as the mobile payment provider in Sweden by the four largest operators in 2012. I received the task to write a proxy server that was in front of all the four operators payment API:s, which means that the proxy server emulated each operator's SOAP interface and choose to send transactions to WyWallet if both the customer and the service were registered in WyWallet, and otherwise towards the operator. The proxy server was online for 24 months to give mobile aggregators more time to migrate from old direct operator connections towards WyWallet. The majority of all SMS payments in Sweden was sent through the proxy server during the second half of 2012.

The service required high availability and there were 40 existing connections that shouldn't be affected by connecting towards the proxy, and it was of great importance that all requests and responses were looking exactly as the original service.

I was the main developer, architect and responsible for the project. I was responsible to build a new environment with new hardware and redundant load balancers, and develop a redundant solution that could handle large amount of traffic, such as Melodifestivalen and Eurovision Song Contest.

Java, Servlet, SOAP, Apache, Tomcat, ObjectDB, project management, testing



Kenny Colliander Nordin

Kenny Colliander Nordin
Nordenskiölds väg 37A
136 49 Vega